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Pizza Bros
Fire Pizza
The Coffee Brew House

Smart pt


Sebastian M.


6 weeks

Service [s]

Visual Identity



Project Summary


Elevating Fitness Excellence: The SMART PT Mission

Our mission was clear: to equip Sebastian and SMART PT with a visual identity that matched their passion and prowess in the fitness world, setting them apart as leaders in their field.


Unleashing Fitness Dynamism: Crafting the SMART PT Brand Experience

Together with Sebastian, we crafted a dynamic visual identity that embodies the essence of SMART PT. From the iconic logo to the vibrant color palette and branded apparel designs, every element exudes energy and enthusiasm.


Empowering Fitness Transformation: The SMART PT Effect

The impact was felt far and wide, as Sebastian now boasts a consistent and professional brand presence across both physical and digital platforms. With our collaboration, he's not just a personal trainer; he's a fitness phenomenon, inspiring countless individuals to embark on their own fitness journeys.


Behind the Scenes: Crafting the SMART PT Brand Experience

Our services included logo design, visual identity development, apparel design, app icon design, logo animation, and social media posts design, culminating in a comprehensive brand package that empowers SMART PT to conquer the fitness world with style and substance.


Unveiling SMART PT

Let's get pumped up, folks, because we're diving into the vibrant world of SMART PT! Meet Sebastian, the powerhouse behind this dynamic brand. He's not just your average personal trainer; oh no, he's a fitness guru on a mission to revolutionize the way we think about getting fit. With a passion for helping both fitness newbies and seasoned athletes reach their goals, Sebastian needed a visual identity that matched his energy and enthusiasm.

Before teaming up with us at HIVALDESIGN, Sebastian's brand was like a gym without weights—functional, but lacking that extra oomph. He was ready to level up, to stand out from the fitness crowd, and make a statement that screamed, "I'm here to crush goals and take names!"

Compelling Event

Sebastian's Quest for Visual Vitality

Picture this: Sebastian, the mastermind behind SMART PT, is gearing up to conquer the fitness world like never before. But wait, there's a hitch in his plan—he's missing the visual firepower to make his mark. That's where we come in! Sebastian knew that to make waves in the fitness industry, he needed a killer visual identity that captured his unique blend of passion, expertise, and energy.

Sebastian wasn't just looking for any run-of-the-mill design firm; he wanted a team that understood his vision, his drive, his very essence. That's why he turned to us at HIVALDESIGN. With our background in design and our shared love for fitness, we were the perfect match to help him elevate his brand to new heights.

The Process

Sculpting the SMART PT Identity

Buckle up, because this was no ordinary design journey—it was a whirlwind of creativity, collaboration, and countless cups of coffee! We kicked things off with a deep dive into Sebastian's world, getting to know him, his brand, and his goals inside and out. Armed with this newfound insight, we embarked on a journey of exploration and inspiration, scouring the design universe for ideas that would set SMART PT apart.

From brainstorming sessions to sketching marathons, we left no weight unlifted in our quest to bring Sebastian's vision to life. We honed in on a logo that was as bold and dynamic as he is, crafting a visual identity that practically radiated energy. With each iteration, we fine-tuned every detail, ensuring that every aspect of the brand screamed "SMART PT" from the rooftops.

The Outcome

Unleashing the Fitness Fury

Drumroll, please! Behold, the awe-inspiring result of our collaboration: a visual identity that packs a punch and leaves a lasting impression. At the heart of it all is the iconic SMART PT logo, a symbol of strength, determination, and unbridled passion for fitness. But we didn't stop there; oh no, we extended the brand into a cohesive system of colors, typography, and graphic elements that tie everything together in perfect harmony.

But wait, there's more! We didn't just stop at the logo—we created a full suite of branded assets, from apparel designs that scream "workout warrior" to social media posts that stop the scroll in its tracks. And let's not forget about the intro logo animation, a jaw-dropping spectacle that sets the stage for every SMART PT adventure.

The Impact

Powering Up with SMART PT

Fast forward to today, and Sebastian is armed and dangerous with a visual identity that turns heads and gets hearts pumping. With our help, he's not just another personal trainer; he's a force to be reckoned with in the fitness world. Clients flock to him like moths to a flame, drawn in by his infectious energy and unwavering dedication to their success.

But the impact doesn't stop there; oh no, it's just getting started. With his new brand in hand, Sebastian is ready to take on the world of fitness apparel, bringing his signature style to workout warriors everywhere. And as for us? Well, let's just say we're proud to have played a part in his journey from gym rat to fitness superstar.


and make something great together!