Pizza Bros


Martin & Lyubo


12 Weeks

Service [s]

Visual Identity



Project Summary


Sofia Slice Revolution

When Martin and Lyubo approached HIVALDESIGN, their mission was clear: open an outstanding pizzeria in Sofia with a strong visual identity. We aimed to craft a brand that not only reflected their passion for New York-style pizza but also set them apart in the vibrant culinary landscape of Sofia.


Visual Feast Unleashed

In collaboration with Pizza Bros, we created a visually striking brand featuring retro characters, bold colors, and unique illustrations, extending seamlessly into collateral items. From shop front vinyl designs to coffee packaging, our collaboration brought Pizza Bros' dream to life, ensuring a consistent and eye-catching brand presence across all touchpoints.


Beyond the Slice

The impact of our collaboration goes beyond aesthetics; it's about instilling confidence and belief in Martin and Lyubo. Armed with a solid visual identity, Pizza Bros is not just a pizzeria but an experience, leaving a lasting impression on customers in Sofia. The project transformed a rundown space into a vibrant hotspot, creating a ripple effect that goes beyond visuals to redefine the brothers' dream.


Crafting Culinary Identity

Our team provided comprehensive Visual Identity Design services, crafting a unique brand for Pizza Bros. From illustrating retro characters to designing collateral items like menus, business cards, and even vinyl shop fronts, we ensured a cohesive and captivating brand presence. The additional services of Collateral Design and Shop Wrapper Design further enriched the visual identity, making Pizza Bros a standout in the competitive culinary scene.


From Dreams to Dough: Pizza Bros' Origin Tale

Picture this - two brothers with a shared dream, a passion for pizza, and a vision to bring a slice of New York to Sofia. Meet Martin and Lyubo, the dynamic duo behind Pizza Bros. After years in the hospitality industry abroad, these brothers decided to make their dream a reality and open an outstanding pizzeria in the heart of Sofia. However, their dream was met with a daunting challenge - the shop they rented was in shambles, far from the vibrant and inviting space they envisioned for their customers.

Enter HIVALDESIGN, the creative force behind turning dreams into reality. Martin and Lyubo sought not just any visual identity but one that would stand out, tell their story, and complement the exceptional quality of their New York-style pizza. With no prior design experience, they needed a professional touch to bring their vision to life.

Compelling Event

The Visual Quest for Pizza Brilliance

The pivotal moment in Pizza Bros' journey came when the brothers realized they needed more than just culinary expertise to make their pizzeria a success. They needed a strong visual identity to set them apart in Sofia's bustling food scene. Facing the challenge of a rundown space and lacking design know-how, Martin and Lyubo made the call – a call for help, creativity, and a touch of magic to transform their dream into a visually stunning reality.

Recognizing the need for a standout brand in a city filled with culinary delights, the brothers turned to HIVALDESIGN. Their mission? To create an outstanding pizzeria that not only served exceptional pizza but also provided a memorable and visually captivating experience for their customers.

The Process

Navigating the Palette of Dreams

Our journey with Pizza Bros started with a blank canvas, as the brothers were unsure about their exact needs and desires. Enter the discovery sessions, a series of conversations that brought forth key words and ideas. Through collaborative efforts, we navigated the uncharted waters of their brand, eventually arriving at a visual style that incorporated retro character designs, bold fonts, and a vibrant color palette that screamed authenticity.

Moodboarding played a crucial role in shaping the final visual identity. The brothers went from uncertainty to excitement as they witnessed the evolution of their brand. The chosen retro characters, adorned with paint splatter textures and illustrations of pizza-related elements, became the face of Pizza Bros. This unique blend spilled over into various collateral items, from shop front vinyl designs to menus, business cards, merch, and more.


The Outcome

A Visual Feast for Pizza Aficionados

The crowning achievement of our collaboration with Pizza Bros is a visual identity that's as bold and unique as their pizza. Imagine two retro characters with the distinct facial features of the brothers, surrounded by pizza-related illustrations and splatter textures. This design spilled seamlessly into collateral items, ensuring a consistent and eye-catching presence both offline and online.

Our collaboration extended beyond the visuals – we worked hand in hand with a vinyl production company to bring the shop front vinyl design to life. The result? A vibrant and enticing storefront that matched the promise of our visuals. From launch event flyers to coffee packaging designs (because Martin is not just a pizzaiolo but a coffee aficionado), every detail was meticulously crafted to ensure Pizza Bros' visual identity left a lasting impression.

The Impact

Crafting Confidence and Recognition

The impact of our collaboration with Pizza Bros goes beyond just visuals. With a solid visual identity in place, Martin and Lyubo weren't just ready for their grand opening; they were armed with the courage and belief in their craft and business. The dream they had nurtured for years was no longer just a vision but a vibrant reality.

The brothers now have a brand that speaks to their passion, a brand that customers recognize and remember. The impact is not just on the aesthetics; it's on the confidence and pride that Pizza Bros exudes. With a unique identity that stands out in Sofia's competitive culinary landscape, the brothers are not just serving pizza; they're serving an experience, a visual feast that complements the delectable slices they offer.


and make something great together!