Fire pizza




4 weeks

Service [s]

Visual Identity



Project Summary


A Slice of Inspiration

Our mission was to infuse Fire Pizza's passion for exceptional pizzas into a visual identity that resonated with authenticity and creativity. We aimed to craft a design that not only showcased the culinary prowess of Fire Pizza but also ignited a spark in the hearts of its audience.


Igniting the Visual Flame

In collaboration with Fire Pizza, we cooked up a dynamic visual identity system, featuring a clever logo that seamlessly merged a pizza slice and flames. From logo variations to a vibrant color palette, shop designs, and captivating social media examples, our team's creativity resulted in a sizzling brand presence ready to captivate the pizza-loving masses.


Fanning the Flames of Recognition

The impact was nothing short of a visual feast. Fire Pizza transformed from an unknown gem to a recognizable brand, resonating with its audience and standing out in the competitive culinary landscape. The cohesive visual identity system didn't just fuel recognition; it ignited pride for Fire Pizza, making it a standout player in the pizza game.


Crafting Culinary Creativity

Our team rendered a range of services, from a distinctive Visual Identity System and logo variations to shop and menu designs. We embraced imperfections in our vector designs, ensuring they mirrored the authenticity of Fire Pizza's craft. The color palette, typeface, and a myriad of design elements all came together to create a cohesive and adaptable brand presence for our client.


A Sizzling Tale of Fire Pizza's Visual Renaissance

Picture this: a pizzeria in the heart of Los Angeles, where each slice is a symphony of flavors that dance on your palette. This is Fire Pizza, a haven for pizza aficionados seeking an exceptional culinary experience. The catch? Until recently, they were serving up their mouthwatering creations with no visual flair to match. Enter us, the creative minds at HIVALDESIGN, ready to transform Fire Pizza's identity into a visual masterpiece.

Fire Pizza, fueled by a passionate commitment to crafting exceptional pizzas, approached us with a delicious challenge: to give their brand the sizzling, unforgettable visual identity it deserved. They craved a design that not only welcomed customers but also authentically mirrored the passion and dedication they poured into their pizzas. With no existing branding to speak of, they were like a pizza without its crust - missing a crucial element that ties everything together.

Compelling Event

The Call for a Design Adventure

Enter our intrepid designer, hungry for a new passion project. The stars aligned when a weekly challenge by @Brandbrief presented the perfect opportunity. A chance for exposure, a need for a fresh design challenge, and the desire to contribute something visually delectable to the world — this was the moment when Fire Pizza and HIVALDESIGN embarked on a flavor-filled adventure.

The challenge was clear: breathe life into Fire Pizza’s brand, make it memorable, and stand out in the crowded pizza landscape. Our mission? To create a visual identity that not only represented Fire Pizza's commitment to exceptional pizzas but also resonated with their audience on a visceral level.

The Process

Cooking up the Perfect Pizza Visual Identity

Our journey began with thorough research, exploring the pizza landscape to find inspiration that would spark new, bright ideas. Armed with inspiration, we curated a mood board that encapsulated the essence of Fire Pizza's brand. The color palette was a crucial decision — vivid reds and blues, creating a strong contrast to grab customers' attention and convey the passion behind each slice. As we delved into logo design, we experimented with various lockups, eventually landing on a design that was as simple as it was ingenious. The logo seamlessly merged the form of a pizza slice and dancing flames, with the name of the pizzeria elegantly handwritten inside. Hand-sketching added imperfections to the vector design, emphasizing the authenticity of Fire Pizza's craft.

Venturing further, we extended our design to the shop front, menus, and packaging, creating a cohesive visual identity system ready for the real world. Our typeface choice complemented the brand's style, ensuring a harmonious blend across all applications. And let's not forget the pièce de résistance – this entire journey was a passion project, a labor of love undertaken as part of @Brandbrief's weekly design challenge, where our Fire Pizza design emerged victorious.

The Outcome

A Visual Feast for the Eyes

What did we create for Fire Pizza? Picture a logo that's more than just a logo; it's an artful fusion of a pizza slice and a fiery embrace, a symbol of the passion and authenticity baked into every pizza. We went beyond the expected, ensuring the vector design retained imperfections, celebrating the uniqueness of each pizza. Variations of the logo were crafted for different applications, and a vibrant color palette was curated to ensure Fire Pizza stood out in the crowded pizza scene.

But our creativity didn't stop there. We extended the design to the shop front, menus, packaging, and social media, offering a glimpse into the visual feast Fire Pizza now serves up. The winning design from @Brandbrief's challenge, our logo proudly graces the storefront, a beacon calling pizza lovers to experience the extraordinary.

The Impact

A Flavorful Transformation

The impact on Fire Pizza was nothing short of extraordinary. With a visual identity now as flavorful as their pizzas, Fire Pizza found itself with a brand that resonated with authenticity and welcomed customers with open arms. The cohesive visual system we crafted not only stands out but also effortlessly communicates the passion and commitment Fire Pizza puts into every slice.Our collaboration with Fire Pizza wasn't just about designing a logo; it was a journey that transformed a brand from a blank canvas to a vibrant masterpiece. The impact was felt in the warmth of the shop's ambiance, the excitement on social media, and the newfound recognition in the bustling Los Angeles food scene.

In conclusion, what started as a passion project turned into a flavorful triumph. Fire Pizza now boasts not only exceptional pizzas but also a visual identity that's as inviting as the aroma wafting from their ovens. HIVALDESIGN and Fire Pizza, a match made in design heaven, proving that when creativity meets passion, the result is nothing short of a visual feast.


and make something great together!